The Institute for Medical & Health Humanities and Artistic Research thrives on the lively exchange of its members from the International Association for Medical & Health Humanities and Artistic Research, international guests, and cooperation partners. It is a place for exchange and research. It provides space for networking and collaboration and develops its own research projects in the field of Medical & Health Humanities and artistic research.
Feel free to contact us!Institute Leadership
Dr. Monika Ankele
Contact: Ankele (at) imhar (dot) net
Prof. Dr. Céline Kaiser
Contact: Kaiser (at) imhar (dot) net
Curators of the Event Series
Dr. Monika Ankele, Prof. Dr. Céline Kaiser, PD Dr. Martina Wernli
Communikation/Social Media
PD Dr. Martina Wernli
Contakt: Kontakt (at) imhar (dot) net